Whats its color

is an image-color processing utility that will evaluate an image and give you the image's primary and complementary dominant colors of an image, how many visually unique colors are in an image, and the top ten visually unique colors in an image. Extremely useful when creating any type of designs around an image. The more colorful the image, the better the results. Results will display your image on the best suited background for that image... Even though your image is resized for display purposes the uploaded image is what's evaluated.
Also, pictures with a white / black background may throw the results off - checking the Discard the Background will take care of that.
File extensions allowed: gif, jpg, jpeg, png
File size limit: 1024 KB (1 MEG)
Resizing must occur to ensure the image and results can be properly displayed

Removes the background from being used in calculations which may throw the results off (typically used with White or Black backgrounds)

Your image's security is important!
Images are deleted off the server 10min after upload, renamed during the upload process so no other user can view them and copies or image information is not collected by Whats Its Color.
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